
I have a rather simple installer which among other things registers and starts 
some windows services. 
As such, the installer requires admin privileges from the UAC on Vista and 
It runs beautifully on Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7, so not problems 
with the installer. 

However, I need to launch an application when the user clicks the Finish button 
on the last dialog. 
Since the application needs to restart the services, it needs to run with 
administrative privileges. I have as a result included a manifest in the 
application requesting admin rights. 
This also works beautifully, when executed separately. 

On Windows XP the installer launches the application as it should, but on 
Windows 7 (I haven't tested on Vista yet) it doesn't start. 
I suspect it has to do with the installer running as "normal" user, while the 
application requires admin privileges, and I am missing something for making 
the installer able to launch the application. 

My launch code looks like this: 

<Product ..>

        <Publish Dialog="ExitDialog" Control="Finish" Event="DoAction" 
Value="LaunchConfig" Order="999">NOT Installed</Publish>

        <CustomAction Id="LaunchConfig" FileKey="MasterConfig" 
Return="asyncNoWait" />

Where the MasterConfig points correctly to an application being installed. 
So, what am I missing? 

Med venlig hilsen / Best regards,
Thomas Due - Software Developer 
Tel: +45 8678 5500 Fax: +45 8678 5210 
Johann Gutenbergs vej 5-9, Aarhus N, Denmark 
t...@scanvaegt.dk | www.scanvaegt.dk  

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-----Original Message-----
From: wix-users-requ...@lists.sourceforge.net 
Sent: 4. juli 2010 03:48
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Subject: WiX-users Digest, Vol 50, Issue 14

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