
I have an installer with 2 features. Each feature has an EXE. I only 
allow per-machine installation, and not per-user.
I want to create a folder in All Users\Start Menu\Programs, which 
contains shortcuts to both EXEs. I also want to make that folder 
optional, with a property controlled by a checkbox in the CustomizeDlg.

I am faced with 2 problems:

1) I added a Directory "ProgramMenuFolder", another Directory inside it 
"ProgramMenuDir" and a Component with a RemoveFolder item (on 
uninstall). I followed the instructions in the tutorial, with the 
exception that I didn't copy the RegistryValue member of the Component. 
Light is giving me an error "ProgramMenuDir installs to user profile. It 
must use a registry key under HKCU as its KeyPath". But the thing is I 
want to install to the global Programs menu, not the user-specific (my 
ALLUSERS is set to 1). Why is it asking to write to HKCU? Maybe instead 
of ProgramMenuFolder I should be using something like 
BTW, even if I add the HKCU key path, I get an error later in the 
component that contains the shortcut: "ICE43: Component Blah has 
non-advertised shortcuts.  It should use a registry key under HKCU as 
its KeyPath, not a file.". So again with the registry key paths.

2) I want the shortcut to be installed only if certain property is set 
(from the checkbox). I can do that by creating a separate component with 
just the shortcut in it, and add a condition to the component. However 
it looks like I can't have a component with just a shortcut. The 
Shortcut element has no KeyPath property and I get an error about the 
missing KeyPath. So how do I create a component with just a single 
shortcut inside?

Any ideas how to do what I need, and is it even possible?


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