Consider the following:

<Module .....snip.....
  <Property Id="TEST" Value="1"></Property>
  <Property Id="TEST" Value="1" SuppressModularization="yes"></Property>

WiX generates the error message Duplicate symbol Property:TEST found

But I'm wondering if this was truely intentional or a bug in WiX?   In the case 
of a merge module the SuppressModularization attribute causes a unique Property 
to be generated in the resultant MSM and it's conceivable ( a strech to be fair 
) to need both TEST and TEST.GUID in the MSM.

Anyone ever think about this before?  I'm asking mostly because I'm in the 
process of writing some code which includes defining a dataset and declaring 
which columns should be part of the uniqueness constraint.


Christopher Painter, Author of Deployment Engineering Blog
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