In MyProj.WIX.Targets, I have
And in Components.wxs, I have
<File Id="fil1DE3D614CB174A2DA7F5012F10EAC14B" KeyPath="yes" 
Source="$(var.BinDirRoot)\abc.dll" />
So far so good.

Then I want to add a file from the source,
<File Id="filD8FD88128EAAAC90D4BE23E362C39F64" KeyPath="yes" 
Source="$(var.SourceDirRoot)\setup\Relnotes.rtf" />
Surely I will get error of Undefined preprocessor variable "$(var.SourceDirRoot)

Then I modify the MyProj.WIX.Targets, add this line:
Compile again, still has the error Undefined preprocessor variable 

I know that seems the VS has some "cache" and so I close the VS, re-open it, 
and complie again.
This time, I got the error of Undefined preprocessor variable "$(var.BinDirRoot)

I've no idea what's wrong here. Obviously the BinDirRoot is defined and should 
work as before.
Any thoughts?

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