The core toolset in 3.5 is quite stable, but it is still recommended that
you upgrade at least every month (grabbing the latest weekly release each
time) until it RTMs.

The stuff in 3.5 that is not in 3.0 has less bake time than most of the
toolset, but if you are not using any of that, it doesn't much matter. The
plan-of-record is that the older features won't be changed a lot until 4.0.

-----Original Message-----
From: Elfe Xu [] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2010 6:23 PM
Subject: [WiX-users] Which one to use? WIX3 or WIX3.5beta?


Our team is about to use WIX to create installer for our product, and we
need to decide which version of wix to choose. Although the wix
s...@codeplex recommend to download wix3.0, I also saw this from<
Where do I get WiX from?
I suggest downloading one of the recent weekly releases from here:

This is because the 'official' releases
here<> are quite stale and you
miss out on important bugfixes.

I prefer WIX3.5 because our team is using VSTS2010 and only 3.5 can make the
votive work on 2010. If the 3.5beta is stable enough or even more stable
than 3.0, then surely we will choose 3.5beta.

Which one would you suggest me to choose, based on your previous experience?


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