Have you used fuslogvw (the fusion log viewer) to try to see what's going 
on, or the sxstrace tool?

I'd recommend looking at the output of sxstrace and/or fuslogvw to see 
what's happening.  I'm pretty sure it'll be enlightening.


Christopher Painter <chr...@deploymentengineering.com> 

06/07/2010 04:05 PM
Please respond to
"General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset." 


[WiX-users] C++ Dependency Help

I have a C++ dependency issue that I'm trying to figure out. 

A.DLL depends on:   ( compiled by us using VS2008 )
    MSVCM90.DLL 9.0.21022.8 
    MSVCR90.dll 9.0.21022.8 
    MSVCP90.dll 9.0.21022.8

B.DLL depends on:  ( compiled by third party using VS2005 )
    MSVCR80.dll 8.0.50727.4053
    MSVCP80.dll 8.0.50727.4053

In my installer I'm currently using the microsoft merge modules to deploy 
the c/c++ 8/9 dll's to winsxs.   Here's where it get's interesting:   If I 
open B.DLL in depends it resolves all DLL's.  If I open A.DLL in depends 
it resolves A's dependencies but for B it says that it can't find the 
MSVCR80 or MSVCP80.  If I copy these two DLL's into the application 
directory it finds them ( even if it's the wrong version ).

I have a hunch what's going on here but I'd really hope that someone who 
really understands it could lead me to enlightenment and best practices 
for this type of problem.


Christopher Painter, Author of Deployment Engineering Blog
Have a hot tip, know a secret or read a really good thread that deserves 
attention? E-Mail Me


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