

This is really frustrating. I had a working MSI, but realized I was violating 
some MSI rules (used the same KeyPath for multiple components) and decided to 
clean it up. Now, when following the guidelines, my components are not removed 
from the system.


Installation is per-user only, and there are 5 components. Each component has a 
KeyPath of its own. Here is a snippet of my Documentation component:


<DirectoryRef Id="DocumentationDir">

<Component Id="Documentation" Guid="MYGUID">

<RegistryKey Root="HKCU" Key="Software\[Manufacturer]\[ProductName]" 



NOTE: I tried this too...

<RegistryKey Root="HKCU" Key="Software\[Manufacturer]\[ProductName]" 


<RegistryValue Name="InstalledDocumentation" Value="1" Type="integer" 
KeyPath="yes" />


<CreateFolder Directory="DocumentationDir" />

<CreateFolder Directory="ProgramMenuDir" />

<CreateFolder Directory="ProgramMenuDocumentationDir" />

<RemoveFolder Id="RemoveDocumentationDir" Directory="DocumentationDir" 
On="uninstall" />

<RemoveFolder Id="RemoveProgramMenuDir" Directory="ProgramMenuDir" 
On="uninstall" />

<RemoveFolder Id="RemoveProgramMenuDocumentationDir" 
Directory="ProgramMenuDocumentationDir" On="uninstall" />

<File Id="ProgramHelp" Name="$(var.ProgramHelp.TargetFileName)" DiskId="1" 

<Shortcut Id="startmenuProgramMementoHelp" 
Directory="ProgramMenuDocumentationDir" Name="Program Help" 
Description="Program Help." />


<File Id="Manual" Name="$(var.Manual.TargetFileName)" DiskId="1" 

<Shortcut Id="startmenuManual" Directory="ProgramMenuDocumentationDir" 
Name="Manual" Description="Program Manual." />





Previously, all my components had the same KeyPath (one registry value under 
HKCU). That worked if I set Action=

"createAndRemoveOnUninstall". Now, upon uninstallation, all my files are left 
intact but the KeyPath values in registry are indeed cleared! Is my registry 
corrupt somehow?


I really don't get it. I've read the documentation too many times now. What am 
I missing?


Surfa tryggt med Internet Explorer 8

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