I'm doing this; I have one version that gets gac'd and one version that goes in 
a program files directory.  I got errors at first, but then I realized it was 
duplicate File Ids.  The file names could be the same, but the ids had to be 
Here's a snippet:

<Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
<Directory Id='DesktopFolder'/>
        <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder">
                <Directory Id="Hurr" Name="Hurr">
                        <Directory Id="INSTALLDIR" Name="Durr">
                                <Directory Id="BinDir" Name="Bin">
                                        <Component Id="GacFile" 
                                                <File Id="Hurr.Durr.dll"
                                                                KeyPath="yes" >
Id="ngen_Hurr.Durr.dll" Platform="all" Priority="1"/>
                                        <Directory Id="VerDir" Name="">
                                                <Component Id="ReferenceFiles" 
Source="$(var. Hurr.Durr.TargetDir)Hurr.Durr.dll"/>

I've got two files, both with the same name.  They are in different directories 
(one under installdir/bin and one under installdir/bin/, which might 
also be a possible solution.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kurt Jensen [mailto:kurt.jen...@ophir-spiricon.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, May 12, 2010 1:07 PM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] Files with the same name

I have two similar problems


1) I want to install two files with the same name into two respective
folders.  The solution stores the same file under two different
projects.  The current vdproj installation references the two files and
puts them into their separate folders.  But light throws an error if it
finds two files with the same name regardless of the directory or


2) I need to include files with the same name in the installation.
Right now they go into win32 & win64 folders then are manually loaded
depending on the OS.  We want to move to installing the appropriate DLL
and automatic loading.  I will probably install one or the other
depending on 32- or 64-bit.  But, again, light throws an error if any
two fiules have the same name regardless of directory of component.


How do I include two files with the same name?






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