I would suggest opening a bug/support case with the team build guys :)
It doesn't sound like this is a WiX bug...

On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 11:59 PM, Will Sullivan <wsulli...@softdocs.com> wrote:
> This is going to start hitting big, as people encounter ICE validation 
> failures on a team build.
> Apparently, what's going on is that the default account used by 2010 team 
> build, Network Service, is unable to interact with msiexec.exe.
> Unfortunately, there is NO decent solution to this available (as far as I can 
> search) on the interwebs.  The only viable solution is to change the build 
> account (one moron suggests adding Network Service to the admins group, ffs).
> Can someone who understands the security permissions needed provide an 
> official answer to this problem?
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