Great thanks.

On Tue, Apr 27, 2010 at 4:52 PM, Matt Johnson <> wrote:

> Also - it looks like this is the same bug reported in SFBUG:2966134 - but
> unlike the other user that report it, it is still broken for me.  I am
> posting an update to that bug.
> Matt Johnson MCPD, MCTS, MCSD, MCDBA
> Director of Application Development
> Time America, Inc.
> |
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matt Johnson []
> Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 4:36 PM
> To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] IIS actions failing
> Follow up - I was actually two releases old (3.5.1602.0).  I see that the
> second issue I was mentioning has already been fixed in the latest
> 3.5.1623.0. SFBUG:2990556.  Thank you.
> The other issues are still happening for me with the latest release.
> Here's the log:
> Action 16:28:33: ConfigureIIsExec. Executing IIS Configuration
> ConfigureIIsExec:  Error 0x80070006: Failed to format string
> ConfigureIIsExec:  Error 0x80070006: Failed to get File for WebSvcExt
> ConfigureIIsExec:  Error 0x80070006: failed while processing
> WebServiceExtensions
> Error 26009. Failed while processing WebServiceExtensions. (-2147024890
>     )
> And here's my wxs for IIS 6 (I have separate components for each IIS
> version)
> <Component Id="IISConfig_6" Guid="F53A12B9-BDCF-423D-AF7B-161F873F9DDC"
> Directory="WEBDIR" KeyPath="yes">
>  <Condition>IISMAJORVERSION = "#6"</Condition>
>  <iis:WebServiceExtension Id="ExtensionClassicASP" Group="Active Server
> Pages" Allow="yes" File="[SystemFolder]inetsrv\asp.dll" Description="Active
> Server Pages"/>
>  <iis:WebServiceExtension Id="ExtensionASPNET20" Group="ASP.NETv2.0.50727" 
> Allow="yes"
> File="[NETFRAMEWORK20INSTALLROOTDIR]aspnet_isapi.dll" 
> Description="ASP.NETv2.0.50727"/>
>  <iis:WebAppPool Id="WebAppPool" Name="[PRODUCTSHORTNAME]" Identity="other"
> User="APPUSER" />
>  <iis:WebVirtualDir Id="WebVirtualDir" WebSite="DefaultWebSite"
> Directory="WEBDIR" Alias="[IISVIRTUALDIR]">
>    <iis:WebApplication Id="WebApp" Name="[PRODUCTSHORTNAME]"
> WebAppPool="WebAppPool" ParentPaths="yes" />
>    <iis:WebDirProperties Id="WebDirProp"
> DefaultDocuments="default.aspx,default.asp,default.htm"  />
>  </iis:WebVirtualDir>
> </Component>
> Thanks,
> Matt Johnson MCPD, MCTS, MCSD, MCDBA
> Director of Application Development
> Time America, Inc.
> |
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Matt Johnson []
> Sent: Tuesday, April 27, 2010 3:36 PM
> To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
> Subject: [WiX-users] IIS actions failing
> Hi all, I'm using the latest wix 3.5 and encountering some strangeness with
> the IIS Extension.
> When running my installer on IIS6 or IIS5.1, I get a "Failed to format
> string" error doing just about any of the IIS custom actions. (website,
> virtual directory, app pool, etc).  I don't get the issues at all with IIS7.
> I found that error message in the WcaGetRecordFormattedString function in
> src/ca/wcautil/wcawrap.cpp.  So to figure out what's going on, I built wix
> from source and debugged the custom action (that was a heck of fun).  What I
> found is that on IIS6 and IIS 5.1, the first call to WcaGetRecordString
> inside the WcaGetRecordFormattedSring function actually returns the value
> already formatted!  It dies later because it's trying to format it a second
> time.  Indeed, if I replace the calls in the iis scasched components
> (scaweb.cpp, scavdir.cpp, scaapppool.cpp, etc.) that are made to the
> formatted version and just call the unformatted ones, all my problems go
> away.
> Since there are separate files for most of the IIS7 components, I thought
> this was a good (yet strange) fix.  That is, until I tried assigning a user
> identity to an app pool.  The scauser.cpp file is used by both iis6 and
> iis7, and a whole lot of other stuff too.
> So - I'm taking a step backwards and going back to my original problem.
>  Why does WcaGetRecordString, on its first call to ::MsiRecordGetStringW,
> return a formatted string some of the time?  My string formats are simple,
> usually just a single property "[LIKETHIS]".  Is there some property I have
> to set first to keep it from doing that?
> Not sure if this should go on the wix-dev list or not.  Is it a bug?  Or
> just something I'm doing wrong?
> Oh - and for the wix devs - In the process, I found a different bug that's
> actually the reverse of this.  In scavdir7.cpp, the call to get the alias
> for the virtualdir is using WcaGetRecordString when it SHOULD be using
> WcaGetRecordFormattedString.    Again, I pass in a property for this value.
>  Funny that IIS6 had the formatted one and it doesn't work while IIS7
> doesn't have it and needs it.
> Thanks for any and all help.
> Matt Johnson MCPD, MCTS, MCSD, MCDBA
> Director of Application Development
> Time America, Inc.
><> |<
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