The condition should include "Installed OR" so that the condition
always succeeds in a repair/remove situtation.

<Condition Message="This installer is designed for IIS7.  Use the IIS6
      <![CDATA[Installed OR IISMAJORVERSION >= "#7"]]>

>From memory the easiest solution here is to fix the package you used
to install (e.g. using Orca), repair and recache with the "new"
package ("msiexec /fv") then you should be able to uninstall normally.

The not-so-fun way out of this situation (if you don't have a copy of
the original MSI) involves digging around in "c:\windows\installer",
finding the right MSI, editing *that* with Orca and then uninstalling.

We unfortunately released with a buggy condition like this, caught it
within 24 hours and provided a fix thinking not many customers would
have downloaded in that time... unfortunately 12 months later we're
*still* finding customers that have never upgraded and are only
contacting the support team now :(

On Sat, Apr 24, 2010 at 3:42 AM, Will Sullivan <> wrote:
> Got a simple install condition that, once I get past the repair/uninstall 
> dialog, prevents me from uninstalling.
> The condition is
> <Condition Message="This installer is designed for IIS7.  Use the IIS6 
> installer.">
>       <![CDATA[IISMAJORVERSION >= "#7"]]>
> </Condition>
> When I try to uninstall, I get past the point where this condition would 
> normally stop installation to the screen where I am asked if I wish to repair 
> or remove.  When I select uninstall, the installer halts telling me that 
> "This installer is designed for IIS7.  Use the IIS6 installer".
> What could cause this bizarre behavior?
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