This sounds like a design problem, not a setup problem and
*definitely* not a WiX problem... you will get a better answer by
asking on or some other developer forum.

Some suggestions off the top of my head...
- build a Merge Module that 3rd party apps can consume (and so can
install to their own location)
- COM server or some other means of interprocess communication meaning
that the location doesn't matter
- documented registry key indicating how to locate your DLL


On Tue, Apr 20, 2010 at 8:04 AM, Bruce Cran <> wrote:
> I've created an installer for a driver. It installs the driver itself, 32-bit
> and 64-bit DLLs and import libraries. 3rd-party applications will link to the
> DLL in order to use the driver.  I know that I shouldn't install files to
> system32, but if not there then where? If I install to Program Files then the
> applications won't find the DLLs at runtime, forcing the users to either copy
> them to system32, or to their own application directory. I've been unable to
> find any Microsoft documentation recommending locations.
> --
> Bruce Cran
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