See my post earlier this week
( showing
the solution I've come up with to prevent the user from installing
different 'builds' of the same product.

On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 6:13 PM, Viv Coco <> wrote:
> I got into this problem once when I did the following:
> 1) Create MyInstaller.msi Version X.X.X
> 2) Use this installer to install my product
> 3) Create again the MyInstaller.msi Version X.X.X, meaning a new rebuild
> of the msi but with the same version and different Product GUID and
> Package GUID as in the code I have for both Id="*"
> 4) Run this second installer on my system and expecting an upgrade
> In the end, instead of an update, I got 2 entries of my application in
> Control Panel. I uninstalled the "first" one (the one I installed
> first), my application was gone from my system, but the second entry was
> still there in Control Panel. When I was trying to remove the second
> entry I got an error. I was able to actually remove it by running again
> the same .msi, the one created in step 3 above.
> hth,
> Viv
> On 4/13/2010 3:04 PM, Jeffrey Bindinga wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm having problems with a wix create Installer.
>> My Uninstall fails. If I uninstall it says that the uninstall completed
>> successfully (both the GUI and the msi logfiles). My features are
>> uninstalled, but my application is still in the software list and I can't
>> install the application again because it's still installed.
>> Where should I be looking in this case?
>> Thanks,
>> Jeffrey Bindinga
>> CyberTech B.V.
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