On 4/13/2010 8:18 PM, puyo puy wrote:
> I got
> multiple  products that will deploy the same feature.  For example Word, 
> Excel and PowerPoint standalone MSI will deploy
> spelling check feature.  If any of these
> products already installed spelling check feature, running other products 
> setup
> will disable the spelling check feature but need to keep reference count.

That's based on components, not features. As long as you follow the 
components rules, installing a feature with the same components as 
another product is essentially a no-op except for increment the 
component reference count.

> I try the following code to disable Spelling Check feature
> when it already installed but these codes never works, Spelling Check always
> enable, even it already installed.

Because features are local to the product being installed; the feature 
hasn't been installed for this product so the install state is absent.


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