Most likely your CA is running deferred and with elevated privileges,
try setting CustomAction/@Impersonate="true"

On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 12:53 AM, Francesc Castells
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an installer that upgrades an old program and imports the data. To do
> that, it opens the old program's config file and gets the path to the data
> files (an access .mdb file, for example). The problem is that most of the
> times the data was stored in Program Files, so Vista has created a virtual
> store to save the modified files.
> When the program accesses Program Files, it is redirected by Vista to the
> Virtual Store, but when the Custom Action accesses the same folder, it's
> actually accessing the Program Files folder. I don't really know how this
> VirtualStore business works, but I guess that Vista doesn't "see" the Custom
> Action the same way that "sees" the application (regarding user rights or
> something).
> My questions are:
> - Is there any straight forward solution? something I'm missing?
> - or should I be looking for some sort of registry search or path
> manipulation to find out where the real data is?
> - or should I try to find the way of running the CA with the same rights or
> something than the application, so Vista does the redirection automatically?
> Any help will be appreciated,
> Francesc
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