
After running heat to harvest the output generated by RoboHelp, I ran
into an odd error when compiling where the file exists in the file
system at the specified location, but light.exe seems to think it
doesn't.  All the other 800+ harvested files are working fine.

Error reported:  error LGHT0103: The system cannot find the file

<Component Id="XXXhelp.h" Guid="*">
    <File Id="XXXhelp.h" KeyPath="yes"
Source="..\Deploy\Web\WebHelp\XXXhelp.h" />

If I copy XXXhelp.h to and set
Source="..\Deploy\Web\WebHelp\" the problem magically goes
away! I tried .c and .x extensions and they also worked.

So it appears light is doing something funky based on the .h file
extension. Is there any way to avoid this?

Oh, running WiX/light version 3.0.5419.0


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