This is a timely thread for me as I have been recently going through this
myself.  In my research I found there are two ways to bundle the VC++

* With a merge module.  This approach is documented
( but has the
disadvantage of taking A LONG time when uninstalled. On my machine, it
takes 3-4 minutes for them to be uninstalled and unmerged when my product
is uninstalled.  This is not good as it appears to the user as if the
uninstaler has locked up, and can be canceled at any time.  A 'fix' I made
for this approach was to modify the default UI strings and change the text
which appears in the wizard page to say:
        <String Id="ProgressDlgTextRemoving">Please wait while the Setup Wizard
removes [ProductName].                                      PLEASE NOTE:
This process takes several minutes - please be patient.</String>

* With a bootstrapper.  If I understand the term correctly, a bootstrapper
merges two installers into one and runs them sequentially.  Along with WiX
I have been playing with WiX#.  Within the WiX# package is an application
called nbsbuilder.exe which I'm using to bootstrap the vc++ runtime along
with my installer.  For the moment I'm not using WiX# - just
nbsbuilder.exe, and my post-build script is:

nbsbuilder.exe /out:MyProductSetup.exe /first:vcredist_x86.exe

With the registry key that's there, that's going to be specific to the
version of vcredist_x86 you are installing.  I used a registry diff tool
to see what changes were made to the registry when vcredist_x86 was

For the moment, it looks like the bootstapping approach is better for me
so I'm going with it.


> I would be interested in whether you are able to *remove* your application
> after having installed the VC libs via Merge Modules.
> I am seeing the UNinstallation take approximately 5 minutes (while the VC
> libs are being removed), with the dialog appearing to be 'hung'.
> Most users will give up and cancel the uninstallation before it completes.
> This of course is unacceptable.
> -Clift
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pally Sandher []
> Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2010 5:54 AM
> To:; General discussion for Windows Installer XML
> toolset.
> Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Using Microsoft CRT 8.0 and 9.0 merge modules in
> thesame MSI
> You can safely ignore them. They're caused by having either of the VC++
> runtime merge modules consumed by your MSI. It's not an artifact of
> having both v8.0 & v9.0.
> Palbinder Sandher
> Software Deployment & IT Administrator
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Simonetti []
> Sent: 23 March 2010 09:20
> To:
> Subject: [WiX-users] Using Microsoft CRT 8.0 and 9.0 merge modules in
> thesame MSI
> Hi all,
> I am currently writing an installer that needs to install both Visual
> Studio 2005 AND 2008 C Runtime Libraries.  The reason is that some of
> the binaries I have to install (PostgreSQL) are built with Visual Studio
> 2005, and my own binaries are built with Visual Studio 2008.  Everything
> must be installed easily with one installer, hence why I am handling the
> PostgreSQL install in my own installer.
> The problem is when I try and use the merge modules for both runtime
> libraries, I get the warnings listed at the bottom of this post.
> When I run the installer, all seems to go okay so maybe there isn't a
> problem, though the test machine is not currently clean so it might just
> seem okay.  I'm going to wipe the test machine and give it another try,
> but either way I thought it prudent to check with others if there could
> be any potential issues, and to see if there is perhaps a better way of
> doing all of this.
> I did try just running the setup for the redistributable installs from
> my installer, but then I got errors about not being able to run multiple
> msi installs, etc....
> Warnings listed below .. thanks!
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