You can ignore issue (2), I figured that one out. Any help on the COM 
registration issue would be much appreciated.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Sanjay Poria []
> Sent: 18 March 2010 13:21
> Subject: [WiX-users] Creating ProgramMenuFolders and COM Server
> registration
> I am creating a Wix 3.0 installer for a product and have come against a
> number of issues (migrating from InstallShield).  I had a general look
> around but can’t find the answers so i’m hoping someone can help me:
> 1)      The doc tells me that I should have one component per file and
> I want to have all installation files in a single feature but then I
> get a warning (LGHT1076 : ICE47) that  I should try and have fewer than
> 817 components in a feature. Why is this a bad idea?
> 2)      I wish to create a folder structure in the start menu using the
> following folder structure on installation and use the statements below
> to do it:
> ProgramMenuFolder\Vendor\ApplicationName
> ProgramMenuFolder\Vendor\ApplicationName\Advanced
> <Directory Id="ProgramMenuFolder" Name="Programs">
>         <Directory Id="StartMenuVendor" Name="VendorName">
>           <Directory Id="StartMenuAppName" Name="AppName">
>             <Component Id="StartMenuEntries" Guid="...">
>               <CreateFolder Directory="StartMenuXanalys" />
>               <RemoveFolder Id='StartMenuAppName' On='uninstall' />
>               <RemoveFolder Id='StartMenuAppAdvanced' On='uninstall'/>
>               <RemoveFolder Id='StartMenuVendor' On='uninstall'
> Directory='StartMenuVendor'/>
>               <RegistryValue Root='HKCU'
> Key='Software\[Manufacturer]\[ProductName]' Type='string' Value=''
> KeyPath='yes' />
>             </Component>
>             <Directory Id=" StartMenuAppAdvanced" Name="Advanced">
> <Component Id=" StartMenuAppAdvanced" Guid="..." >
>                 <CreateFolder/>
>                 <RemoveFolder Id= StartMenuAppAdvanced On='uninstall'/>
>               </Component>
>             </Directory>
>             <Directory Id="StartMenuAppAdvanced" Name="Advanced" />
>           </Directory>
>         </Directory>
> </Directory>
>                 I find that the VendorName folder is not created on
> install and I get a compile error for the “Advanced” folder (presumably
> because it has no file elements?). Can someone tell me why the former
> error occurs and is there a way to force creation of a (potentially
> empty) folder.
> 3)      Third issue is related to COM server registration. I have a out
> of process COM server implemented in a exe (e.g. app.exe) file with an
> external type library (e.g. app.tlb). I want this to be registered
> during install and unregistered during uninstall (the equivalent of
> “app.exe  /RegServer” and “app.exe /UnRegServer). I thought I could
> simply do this:
> </Component ...>
>  <File Id="filA7723DE8CBBF678AC3819B61A67C4CD5" KeyPath="yes"
> Source="app.exe">
>           <TypeLib Id="86B995C7-EC9C-11D4-BEEA-000347024BE1"
> Description="Application Object Library" Language="0" MajorVersion="1"
> MinorVersion="0" />
>         </File>
>       </Component>
> Where the typelib line is extracted by harvesting the entries of
> app.tlb using heat (and just taking the first line). This doesn’t seem
> to work.
> Thanks
> sanjay

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