Office is a tiny and simple install compared to the ones I work on. :-)

I currently use a combination of WiX ( to create merge modules ) and 
InstallShield ( to consume them ).   

We practice product line development methologies which means we have several 
dozen "service families" that all exist on multiple branches.  Each 
family/branch has a build that ultimately generates binaries and merge modules. 
 The binaries are used for downstream build references and the the merge 
modules are aggregated to create an installer. Additionally there is a WiX 
fragment that describes the features that their modules express.  Then we use 
some custom build automation to pump  this metadata into InstallShield through 
their COM automation interface.   

The result is a very powerful and flexible system that gives me the best of WiX 
and InstallShield.  I'm able to support insanely complex installers this way. 

How insane?  Imagine Clearcase branch inheritance where wix updates are done on 
feature branches along with the .NET code by developers and then it gets merged 
to one to many integ/product branches.  A new product manager then comes by, 
states which features he wants ( wix fragment with FeatureRefs and 
FeatureGroupRefs ) along with it's branding metadata  and instantly you have 
defined a small to massive installer with a very clean design that does what 
that product manager wants for his customer. 

Eventually I intend to rewrite the InstallShield portion in WiX and replace all 
of my Merge/MergeRef's with ComponentGroupRefs but for the moment I'm not there 

Christopher Painter, Author of Deployment Engineering Blog
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attention? E-Mail Me


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