You might want to check the Template wix extensions in You can write something like [INSTALLLOCATION] in 
your file and it will get replaced on install. 

dB. @ 
Moscow|Geneva|Seattle|New York

-----Original Message-----
From: Gary Smith [] 
Sent: Thursday, February 25, 2010 9:45 PM
To: 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.'
Subject: [WiX-users] Replace path text inside installed files.

Does anyone have a sample of how to replace text inside a file (or set of 
files) based upon install path?  Basically, I have a DLL that will be installed 
where the users want to install it BUT the samples that they can compile and 
test against point to never never land (i.e. some path in my development 
environment).  I would like to replace the path inside the project file with 
the appropriate installed path.

1) is this possible
2) is there a sample somewhere of doing this?



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