It's been a while since I used WiX 2.0 but I would check what your
Execute & Impersonate attributes are for your custom action. AFAIK you
should set Execute="deferred" & Impersonate="no" but I may be wrong as
it's been a long time since I've messed with UAC & Custom Actions (Rob M
& others on the list drummed the idea that Custom Actions are bad into
me during my formative WiX years so I try to avoid using them as much as

Does your MSI ask for elevation on Vista before it begins the
InstallExecuteSequence? The "Install" button on the PrepareDlg will have
the UAC shield & you'll see the UAC prompt after you click it if it
does. It should be OK in that case with the above attributes on your
Custom Action.

Palbinder Sandher 
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-----Original Message-----
From: Andy.Kruger [] 
Sent: 08 March 2010 12:56
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Set a registry value upon clicking finish

I have added custom action to Finish button that launches a C# exe. 
Also I have added an admin manifest to say that it requires elevation.
It sets the registry value on Windows XP. But when i run the installer
on Vista with UAC enabled and click finish button, its neither updating
the registry nor throwing the UAC prompt.

Am i missing something here??

Please help

MSI Developer
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