I have set the Package/@InstallScope attribute in my WiX source file
to "perMachine". As I understand things, this sets the ALLUSERS
property to 1. This effectively causes my MSI to default to a
per-machine installation, but does not entirely prevent per-user
installs since ALLUSERS can be overridden on the command line.

-- If I only ever want my installer to be used per-machine, is it
recommended that I do something to try and prevent users overriding

I was investigating exactly what I might do and tried to prevent
per-user installations with a launch condition on "ALLUSERS=1". I

<Condition Message="...">ALLUSERS=1</Condition>

Unfortunately, this had very little effect. Whilst it prevented
installation with ALLUSERS="", if ALLUSERS was set to any value, e.g.
ALLUSERS=2, the installation was allowed to continue. Also, it seemed
that repair and uninstall were allowed to go ahead no matter what the
value of ALLUSERS.

-- Why did this condition not work as planned?

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