Just so my comment reads a bit more clearly I'm going to label the products. 
In your situation you have Product B that depends on Product A being
installed.  If you are also the author of Product A you can add AppSearch
item to search for a specific component from Product B, use an Upgrade table
entry to detect the existence of Product B or write a custom action to check
for whatever criteria you want to base the detection on.

I wouldn't implement a launch condition on the uninstall.  In fact, it's
generally a good idea to condition the LaunchCondition action with "NOT
Installed" so that once the MSI is installed the launch conditions will
never prevent a repair or uninstallation.  Otherwise if you ever get a bad
condition the MSI can be orphaned on the machine which is very frustrating
for users.

If you want to just display a warning message that Product B needs Product A
and they may not want to uninstall it, I would just condition a text control
on one of your dialogs in the maintenance sequence so they are informed but
can then choose to remove Product A if it they want.
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