If you do use an empty file and want the file to be "looked after" by
Windows installer for patching, repair, etc - you can update the
filesize information post-build. Something like the following should
work (this is a somewhat simplified version of an actual script we

Const MSI_SOURCE = "application.msi"
Const FILE_REPLACE = "config.xml"

Dim filesys, installer, database, view, size

Set filesys=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set installer = CreateObject("WindowsInstaller.Installer")
Set database = installer.OpenDatabase (MSI_SOURCE, 1)

Set objFile = filesys.GetFile(FILE_REPLACE)
size = objFile.Size

Set view = database.OpenView ("UPDATE File SET FileSize = " & size & "
WHERE File = '" & LCase(FILE_REPLACE) & "'")

On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 11:46 PM, Bob Arnson <b...@joyofsetup.com> wrote:
> On 3/1/2010 1:13 AM, hila toronchik wrote:
>> The problem is - that an empty file named Global.jpeg need to be placed the
>> development machine in order to build the msi.
> WiX needs the file to fill out the details of the file (size, e.g.) in
> the MSI database.
> --
> sig://boB
> http://joyofsetup.com/
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