The solution in the tutorial is fine. It's the way that "everybody" detects 
versions based on UpgradeCode, old and new to prevent downgrades and perform 

You have a problem in that the 4th digit of the ProductVersion isn't used 
anyway in major upgrades, so your upgrades will require you to make an 
increment somewhere in the first three fields. 

Phil Wilson 

-----Original Message-----
From: Ragnar Rova [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2010 7:56 AM
Subject: [WiX-users] Preventing downgrades as a launch condition


I need a simple way to prevent downgrades a product in a wix based msi

The old defective way which I found was something along:

<Property Id="CUR_VER">
        <RegistrySearch Id='CurrentVersion' Root='HKLM'
Key='Software\Foo\Client' Name='CurrentVersion' Type='raw'/>
<Condition Message="Cannot install this version [ProductVersion] over
an existing installation [CUR_VER] that has a higher version number.
You may need to uninstall it first.">
NOT CUR_VER or ProductVersion&gt;=CUR_VER</Condition>

I want something which allows to upgrade from The
version above just does a string compare which fails.

Don't know if the solution at works. I would prefer
something which uses my registry key from the example above.

According to you
cannot compare versions at all in conditions but they suggest
searching for versions of installed files using Appsearch.

I'm fine with calling some external vbscript code or something which
does the registry searching and comparison

I don't understand how the answer at:

relates to my question but they mention preventing downgrades in wix.

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