Two of my attachments got clobbered on the way, so I am copy+pasting them here.

(1) ServiceInstaller.wxs

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<Wix xmlns="";>
  <Product Id="*" Name="product name" Language="1033" Version="" 
Manufacturer="manufacturer name" 
    <Package Id="*" InstallerVersion="300" Compressed="yes" />

    <!-- Allow only an administrator to install on the target machine -->
    <Condition Message="You need to be an administrator to install Network 
Client on this machine">
    <!-- Check for .NET 2.0 or higher -->
    <Condition Message="Network Client requires .NET Framework 2.0 or higher">
      Installed OR <![CDATA[MsiNetAssemblySupport >= "2.0.50727"]]>

    <Media Id="1" Cabinet="" EmbedCab="yes" />

      <UIRef Id="WixUI_FeatureTree"/>
      <UIRef Id="WixUI_ErrorProgressText"/>

    <!-- Define installation directory structure -->
    <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">
      <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder">
        <Directory Id="NewId_Company" Name="Company">
          <Directory Id="NewId_Product" Name="Product">
            <Directory Id="NewId_NC_InstallLocation" Name="bin" />

    <DirectoryRef Id="NewId_NC_InstallLocation">
      <Component Id="NewId_NetworkClient.exe" 
        <File Id="NewId_NetworkClient.exe" KeyPath="yes" DiskId="1" 
Source="$(var.NFAQ.NetworkClient.TargetDir)\NetworkClient.exe" />
      <Component Id="NewId_IUConfig.xml" 
        <File Id="NewId_IUConfig.xml" KeyPath="yes" DiskId="1" 
Source="IUConfig.xml" />

    <Feature Id="NewId_NetworkClientFeature" Title="Network Client" Level="1" 
      <ComponentRef Id="NewId_NetworkClient.exe"/>
      <ComponentRef Id="NewId_IUConfig.xml"/>

    <!-- Install/Uninstall/Commit/Rollback Network Client Master Service -->
    <Binary Id="NewId_InstallUtil" 
SourceFile="C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\InstallUtilLib.dll" />

    <CustomAction Id="NewId_InstallServiceSetProp" 
Property="NewId_InstallService" Value="/installtype=notransaction 
/action=install /LogFile= &quot;[#NewId_NetworkClient.exe]&quot; 
    <CustomAction Id="NewId_InstallService" BinaryKey="NewId_InstallUtil" 
DllEntry="ManagedInstall" Execute="deferred" Impersonate="no"/>

    <CustomAction Id="NewId_UnInstallServiceSetProp" 
Property="NewId_UnInstallService" Value="/installtype=notransaction 
/action=uninstall /LogFile= &quot;[#NewId_NetworkClient.exe]&quot; 
    <CustomAction Id="NewId_UnInstallService" BinaryKey="NewId_InstallUtil" 
DllEntry="ManagedInstall" Execute="deferred" Impersonate="no"/>

    <CustomAction Id="NewId_CommitServiceSetProp" 
Property="NewId_CommitService" Value="/installtype=notransaction /action=commit 
/LogFile= &quot;[#NewId_NetworkClient.exe]&quot; 
    <CustomAction Id="NewId_CommitService" BinaryKey="NewId_InstallUtil" 
DllEntry="ManagedInstall" Execute="commit"/>

    <CustomAction Id="NewId_RollbackServiceSetProp" 
Property="NewId_RollbackService" Value="/installtype=notransaction 
/action=rollback /LogFile= &quot;[#NewId_NetworkClient.exe]&quot; 
    <CustomAction Id="NewId_RollbackService" BinaryKey="NewId_InstallUtil" 
DllEntry="ManagedInstall" Execute="rollback"/>

      <Custom Action="NewId_UnInstallServiceSetProp" 
After="MsiUnpublishAssemblies" />
      <Custom Action="NewId_UnInstallService" 
After="NewId_UnInstallServiceSetProp" />

      <Custom Action="NewId_InstallServiceSetProp" After="StartServices" />
      <Custom Action="NewId_InstallService" After="NewId_InstallServiceSetProp" 

      <Custom Action="NewId_RollbackServiceSetProp" 
After="NewId_InstallService" />
      <Custom Action="NewId_RollbackService" 
After="NewId_RollbackServiceSetProp" />

      <Custom Action="NewId_CommitServiceSetProp" After="NewId_RollbackService" 
      <Custom Action="NewId_CommitService" After="NewId_CommitServiceSetProp" />


(2) IUConfig.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> 
  <supportedRuntime version="2.0.50727" /> 

Thank you,

-----Original Message-----
From: Rajendra Magar [] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 2:48 PM
To: ''
Subject: [WiX-users] Problem installing a .NET installer-based service using 


I am working on a Visual Studio WiX project to install a .NET installer-based 
service using InstallUtilLib.dll/ManagedInstall. I was following the 
instructions in the following link.

The preceding link uses InstallUtilLib.dll from .NET version 1.0 whereas I am 
using InstallUtilLib.dll from .NET version 2.0.
When I tried to install the generated msi on a Vista machine, I got "Error 
2869: The dialog ErrorDlg has the error style bit set, but is no an error 
When I tried to install on an XP machine, I got "InstallUtilLib.dll: Unknown 
error". I am attaching the verbose logs from both installation instances.
I looked into the logs and also searched around in online forums but I can't 
seem to find a way to fix these errors by manipulating my WiX input.

While I know that the author of the above link and Rob Mensching don't 
recommend installing services using a managed code custom action, I have no 
choice at the moment. :(
Could someone please be kind with me and tell me what I could do to get my msi 
to install correctly? I am also attaching my WiX source and the config file 
used by InstallUtilLib.dll

Raz Magar

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