The error went away right after I installed IIS on the machine. I
assumed the #0 reference was there because the registry search failed
and the default value of my IISROOT property was '#0'. I would have
thought without IIS on the machine thought that the condition would have
been caught before the registry search failed.

Incidentally, early on I did enable verbose logging, but didn't find a
great deal of help there other than a clue that led me to discover that
IIS was not installed on the machine on which I was testing the
installer (I had assumed it was present).


-----Original Message-----
From: Wilson, Phil [] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 12:31 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Detecting if IIS is installed

You should get a verbose log and see what's going on. Those "network
location" messages tend to show up when a property is being used as a
directory and not getting initialized properly. 

Phil Wilson 

-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, February 23, 2010 10:27 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: [WiX-users] Detecting if IIS is installed


I have been trying to get my WiX installer to detect whether IIS is
installed on a target system or not (installer is expected to be used on
systems ranging from Windows XP to Windows 7). My problem is that the
detection condition does not seem to be working as my installer hangs on
the opening splashscreen dialog while calculating available space and
then eventually times out with an error saying the Network location #0
could not be reached. It seems that a registry search property I have
defined is being executed before the IIS condition check is performed,
but I'm not sure. Below are the two WiX fragment files with the relevant
code. Does anyone have a suggestion on how I can get my condition check
to occur first so that the installation can be disabled before the cost
calculations are performed?


Nathan Banek

This file is the one with my restrictions and condition checks:

<!-- Restrictions.wxs -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="
<> ">
    <Property Id="IIS_MAJOR_VERSION">
      <RegistrySearch Id="CheckIISVersion" Root="HKLM"
Key="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp" Name="MajorVersion" Type="raw" />

    <Condition Message="IIS must be installed">
      Installed OR IIS_MAJOR_VERSION
    <!-- Metabase compatibility is required to allow us to configure the
web site properly -->
    <Property Id="IIS_METABASE_COMPAT">
      <RegistrySearch Id="CheckIISMetabase" Root="HKLM"
Key="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\InetStp\Components" Name="ADSICompatibility"
Type="raw" />

    <Condition Message="IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility feature must be
      Installed OR ((VersionNT &lt; 600) OR IIS_METABASE_COMPAT)

In a different wxs file in the project I am attempting to extract the
path to IIS from the registry like so:

<!-- WebProduct.wxs -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="
<> "
<> ">
                <Property Id="IISROOT" Value="#0">
                        <RegistrySearch Id="IISROOT" Type="raw"
Root="HKLM" Key="Software\Microsoft\InetStp" Name="PathWWWRoot" />
                <DirectoryRef Id="ProgramFilesFolder">
                        <Directory Id="IISROOT" Name=".">



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