Does Wix have any limitations with regards to the number of Custom Dialogs or Custom actions it can perform ?
My scenario is a relatively complex install where the install does some database checks and user permissions checks in custom actions. I have one custom action that is called from my .wxs install script. That one custom action performs all the database /user permission checks. It stores the results of these checks in session.Item("a database flag") variables. Upon the return from this custom action, the install the examines the values of session.item -variables-. The install then knows to display warning dialog boxes or the next configuration dialog. All this is initially launched from a custom dialog where I list all the SQL servers I see on the network. On this dialog I allow the choose the sql server and then click the next button. The next button calls my custom action. The problem that I am seeing is that the when I click the next button on my "ServerSelectDialog" I see no response But in the log file that I generate using /l*v, I can see all session.Item("a database flag") being set. I don't see any errors in this log file either .... <Publish Dialog="ServerSelectDialog" Control="Back" Event="NewDialog" Value="LicenseAgreementDlg" Order ="1"></Publish> <Publish Dialog="ServerSelectDialog" Control="Next" Event="DoAction" Value="ValididateServerConfigAndUserPermissions" Order ="1"></Publish> <Publish Dialog="ServerSelectDialog" Control="Next" Event="NewDialog" Value="CurrentUserCantCreateDatabaseDialog" Order ="2"><![CDATA[DATABASEALREADYEXISTS="FALSE" AND VALIDSERVERADDRESS="TRUE" AND HTSSQLVERSION="HTS_COMPATIBLE_VERIFIED" AND USERCANCREATEDATABASE="FALSE"]]></Publish> <Publish Dialog="ServerSelectDialog" Control="Next" Event="NewDialog" Value="DatabaseUserAndServerPortDialog" Order ="3"><![CDATA[DATABASEALREADYEXISTS="FALSE" AND VALIDSERVERADDRESS="TRUE" AND HTSSQLVERSION="HTS_COMPATIBLE_VERIFIED" AND USERCANCREATEDATABASE="TRUE"]]></Publish> <Publish Dialog="ServerSelectDialog" Control="Next" Event="NewDialog" Value="DatabaseVersionWarningDialog" Order ="4"><![CDATA[VALIDSERVERADDRESS="FALSE" OR HTSSQLVERSION="HTS_COMPATIBLE_UNKNOWN"]]></Publish> <Publish Dialog="ServerSelectDialog" Control="Next" Event="NewDialog" Value="DatabaseAlreadyExistsDialog" Order ="5"><![CDATA[DATABASEALREADYEXISTS="TRUE" AND HTSSQLVERSION="HTS_COMPATIBLE_VERIFIED" AND VALIDSERVERADDRESS="TRUE"]]></Publish> <Publish Dialog="ServerSelectDialog" Control="Cancel" Event="SpawnDialog" Value="CancelDlg" Order ="1"></Publish> I'll be looking at this but can anyone see from first glance why I'm getting this behavior ? Rob Hermann ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Download Intel® Parallel Studio Eval Try the new software tools for yourself. Speed compiling, find bugs proactively, and fine-tune applications for parallel performance. See why Intel Parallel Studio got high marks during beta. _______________________________________________ WiX-users mailing list