The preprocessor, while not a macro preprocessor (like what the C/C++
compiler has), does have a number of "macro-preprocessor-like" features. One
of the "holes" in that is the case you see.

The source files are parsed using an XML stream parser. Text fields (such as
attribute values and element text values) are passed to the preprocessor for
evaluation, as are all processing instructions, in the order they are parsed
by the parser. Once the preprocessor finishes, a DOM has resulted, which is
then parsed by the compiler.

The only current way to do what you want would be to use an external
preprocessor (would likely be non-XML) of your own choosing and pass the
preprocessed result to candle.exe.

However, I have wanted to do authoring in a similar way many times,
especially when building wixlibs to be incorporated in WiX extensions. Seems
like a valid feature request. Please feel free to file one.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bryan Reich [] 
Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 9:29 PM
To: 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.'
Subject: [WiX-users] Using variables to define attributes (not attribute

I was under the impression that the expression
a preprocessor evaluation, evaluated at a similar time to <?if ?>.

However, some wix that I am compiling suggests this isn't the case.
I'm trying to define a variable as follows:

<?if someCondition ?>
<?define MyVariable="Server=&quot;MyServer.exe&quot;"?>
<?else ?>
<?define MyVariable=""?>
<?endif ?>

And then my wix example as:

<Class Id="<GUID>" ... $(var.MyVariable) >

So in other words, in case one preprocessor condition is set, I want the
attribute text specified in MyVariable to show up in the Class element
definition, and otherwise I don't. Note that specifying the value of the
attribute as empty I don't think is acceptable because in the case where I
have the attribute non-existant, it would be an error to have the attribute
defined at all, even as empty (someone can correct me if these are in fact
equivalent to the compiler).

However, when trying to compile this I get the error:

error CNDL0104 : Not a valid source file; detail: Name cannot begin with the
'$' character, hexadecimal value 0x24. Line 33, position 163.

So instead of taking the varaible contents and replacing them and then
parsing the XML, it appears to be trying to parse the XML first, and then
replacing the variables, which leads to only being able to use them in
attribute values but not in the XML itself.

Is there a way to do what I am after without resorting to duplicating a
bunch of wix XML within <?if ?><?else ?> blocks to conditionally include or
exclude the attribute at compile time?

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