I have a Custom Action that runs before the AppSearch action.  The CA
sets several Properties based on the installed Oracle client.

The CA is written in C#, and sets each Property by doing something like this:

  session["PropertyName"] = "Value";

It appears to run fine, and in the MSI log file I can see entries like these:

  MSI (c) (A4!98) [12:56:01:782]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding
ODBC_DRIVER_NAME property. Its value is 'Oracle in orahome92'.
  MSI (c) (A4!98) [12:56:01:798]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding
ODBC_DRIVER_VERSION property. Its value is ''.
  MSI (c) (A4!98) [12:56:01:798]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding
ODBC_DRIVER_VERSION_OK property. Its value is '#1'.
  Action ended 12:56:01: CheckOracleDriverVersion. Return value 1.

I want to use this information to abort the installer if the version
is too low.  But the Properties don't seem to be set by the time
LaunchConditions executes.

Just to check, I created another CA that just echoed the
ORACLE_DRIVER_VERSION property and ran it immediately after the
original CA.  It was blank.

Is there something I need to do to "commit" the Property change?

I thought it was related to this problem:


but the solution doesn't seem to apply since I need to use the
Property value in LaunchConditions, which executes long before


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