LaunchConditions are package wide & hence are an all or nothing solution (either you pass the LaunchConditions & can attempt an install or you trigger one or more & don't get install anything). You can have Feature Conditions or Component Conditions as Cody has shown below. A Condition Element in the appropriate Feature which disables the Feature if VersionNT is less than 502 should work for you (502 is 2k3, 501 is XP IIRC). If you really want to inform the user, you could add a dialog in the InstallUISequence which is shown when the user is on XP by conditioning it as per the Feature Condition above. I agree with Cody though, telling a user they can't install something isn't much use, even more so in this case than his since a user is highly unlikely to rebuild their entire operating system just to be able to use your Feature.
Palbinder Sandher Software Deployment & IT Administrator T: +44 (0) 141 945 8500 F: +44 (0) 141 945 8501 **Design, Simulate + Innovate with the <Virtual Environment>** Integrated Environmental Solutions Limited. Registered in Scotland No. SC151456 Registered Office - Helix Building, West Of Scotland Science Park, Glasgow G20 0SP Email Disclaimer -----Original Message----- From: Cody Gibson [] Sent: 08 February 2010 16:00 To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset. Subject: Re: [WiX-users] How do i put a Launch Condition within a Feature. I had a somewhat similar problem I had to deal with. Our product works with both VS2008 and VS2010. I need to make my installer work with either or both simultaneously. What I like doing in cases like this is to hide the feature all together from the user when a feature is not compatible with the users machine configuration. In my installer I have this piece: <Feature Id="featVS10CSharpTemplates" Level="1" Title="WebAii Test Template for C#" Description="!(loc.Feature_VS10_CSharp_TestTemplate_Description)"> <ComponentRef Id="cmpVS2010WebAiiCSTemplate" /> <Condition Level="0"> <![CDATA[NOT VS2010_IDE_VSTS_TESTSYSTEM_INSTALLED OR NOT VS2010_IDE_VCSHARP_PROJECTSYSTEM_INSTALLED]]> </Condition> </Feature> The above will hide the feature from the user if VS2010 is not installed or if the VS2010 C# language is not installed. This way I don't need to worry about any "Feature not compatible" type of dialogs. I have the same condition on the component for UI-less installs like this: <Component Id="cmpVS2010WebAiiCSTemplate" Guid="{XXXX}"> <Condition>(VS2010_ROOT_FOLDER AND VS2010DEVENV AND VS2010_IDE_VCSHARP_PROJECTSYSTEM_INSTALLED AND PROP_VS10_CS_TEMPLATE_DIR)</Condition> <File Id="VS2010_CSharpTestTemplate" KeyPath="yes" Source="XXXXX" /> </Component> Cody -----Original Message----- From: spsingam [] Sent: Sunday, February 07, 2010 6:06 PM To: Subject: [WiX-users] How do i put a Launch Condition within a Feature. All, I am trying to put a Launch Condition within a a Feature, I cannot seem to find any examples to do this. I am not even sure if i can. My reason for this is that i have a feature, that only works with Windows 2003. And when or if the user chooses this feature and if the Operating System is XP, then this Message box appease and informs the user that the feature is unavailable. Anyone on here got any input ? Thank you. -- View this message in context: 4531682p4531682.html Sent from the wix-users mailing list archive at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------ The Planet: dedicated and managed hosting, cloud storage, colocation Stay online with enterprise data centers and the best network in the business Choose flexible plans and management services without long-term contracts Personal 24x7 support from experience hosting pros just a phone call away. _______________________________________________ WiX-users mailing list ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------ The Planet: dedicated and managed hosting, cloud storage, colocation Stay online with enterprise data centers and the best network in the business Choose flexible plans and management services without long-term contracts Personal 24x7 support from experience hosting pros just a phone call away. _______________________________________________ WiX-users mailing list ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The Planet: dedicated and managed hosting, cloud storage, colocation Stay online with enterprise data centers and the best network in the business Choose flexible plans and management services without long-term contracts Personal 24x7 support from experience hosting pros just a phone call away. _______________________________________________ WiX-users mailing list