Guten Tag Ryan O'Neill,
am Mittwoch, 3. Februar 2010 um 09:12 schrieben Sie:

> One thing
> that is a right pain is driver signing so make sure you get signed drivers
> if you can (signed by the quality labs @ MS) as this will prevent nasty
> popup boxes with warnings.

We would need to install a standard Windows-driver for Apple XY to get
FreePDF working, so we can't influence this one, I think.

> Difx is an MSI technology from what I understand and the WiX stuff is just a
> layer over that so the best source of data on this will be MSDN.

Thanks, than I will have a look at Difx and Co.

> Oh yes, don't use VBScripts unless you are in a controlled environment as we
> still have some of those left in our build and they cause problems.

I don't want to burn my fingers, too. ;-)

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Thorsten Schöning

Thorsten Schöning
AM-SoFT IT-Systeme - Hameln | Potsdam | Leipzig
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