Just to provide another option, in my most recent project, a client/server
product which has two services which are shared and installed by both the
client and server MSIs.  I wanted to single-source the WiX for those
services so it could be maintained in once place.  

I used a WiX fragment for each service and included all the resources with a
ComponentGroup and included the components in the appropriate DirectoryRef
elements, which you will need to line up with the directory structure for
both of your MSIs.  I also included custom actions related to these services
and used component-state based conditions into these fragments so these WiX
fragments for the services are all self-contained aside from the directory
reference(s) back to the product.wxs.

I then just include the service using a ComponentGroupRef element within the
desired Features elements  for both of my MSIs.  This has worked out well
for us so far.

Now whether to use a bootstrapper or use WiX fragments as a reusable portion
of your installers depends on the details of your situation.  At least one
major consideration would need to be how you intend to handle updates to
these products.  If you need to be able to update Product A for joint
(Product A + Product B) installations without updating Product B then you
will want a bootstrapper with completely independent MSIs but if updates
will always be going out together for both Product A and Product B then the
fragment approach I've mentioned might work for you.
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