dotNetInstaller 1.8 has support for custom UI elements. It's not "awesome" or 
"template-based", but it's a start. It lets you have custom controls outside of 
mandatory ones like the list of applications. 

dB. @ 
Moscow|Geneva|Seattle|New York

-----Original Message-----
From: Kevin Garman [] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 05, 2010 3:26 PM
To: wix-users
Subject: [WiX-users] Bootstrapper with Custom GUI


I've been looking for a bootstrapper that will manage multiple instances
for me (install, modify, update).  The dotNetInstaller was suggested to
me, and while that looks like a pretty sweet app, it seems like it won't
take care of my custom gui needs.  I also have considered just a simple app, but this would require the .net framework to be present--as
a last resort this will be fine but it would be nice to be able to
satisfy the .net using the bootstrapper as well.

Basically, I want have one exe that the user runs and is presented with
a window where they can install a new instance or choose, form a list of
installed instances, one to modify or update.

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