I thought this was a Windows 7 thing, part of the snap feature? 

Phil Wilson 

-----Original Message-----
From: little.forest [mailto:little.for...@ymail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 2010 2:42 PM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Install on Windows 7: minimize the installation 
wizard, then only see a slice of the install page when finished

So I suppose this is a problem for all MSIs? Can anyone confirm it?

Personally I don't think this is a big problem. But any small issue is a P1 
issue in our team. :-) So I own them an explanation. 


From: little.forest <little.for...@ymail.com>
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Sent: Fri, January 15, 2010 3:48:07 PM
Subject: Install on Windows 7: minimize the installation wizard, then only see 
a slice of the install page when finished

Here is the problem(our QA found it):

In Windows 7, install the build. When the installation starts, minimize the 
installation wizard. When the installation finished, the install wizard shows 
on the top-left of the screen. We can only see a slice of the install 
wizard(the close button "X" shows on the top-left). I have to hit the button 
"Alt" to call the system menu and hit "Move" to move the screen to the center 
of the screen to see the whole install page. Why is that?

I also tried the Wix installer itself in Windows 7. It's the same thing.

By the way, in XP, it works fine. I mean, I minimized it, after finished, the 
install page popup and shows in the center of the screen. 

I suspect this is the problem from MSI. But I'm not sure. Let me know if you 
know the reason and how to fix it. It might not be that a big deal, but I'd 
like to know.

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