Sample code. Take it for what it is worth. This assumes three things:
1. The resources are "declared" in Product.exe and are localized into two
cultures: en-US and es-ES using the MUI Win32 resource localization scheme
released to the world with Vista. The actual Spanish string will actually be
found in the Product.exe.mui file in the es-ES directory and the English
string will be found in the Product.exe.mui file in the en-US directory.
2. The desired "name" for the shortcut is the string #102 in Product.exe.
3. The relative placement of the shortcut and its target (even when
considered relative to the component list) don't matter for the purposes of
this example, but I had to put them somewhere. This is NOT a guide to where
to place shortcuts relative to their targets nor is it a guide to use
non-advertised (or even advertised) shortcuts. That doesn't matter for the
purposes of this example either.

  <Directory Id="InstallDir" ...>
    <Directory Id="InstallDir-en-US" Name="en-US"/>
    <Directory Id="InstallDir-es-ES" Name="es-ES"/>
    <Directory Id="ProductStartMenu" Name="$(var.ProductName)"/>
<Component ... Directory="InstallDir">
<File Source="Product.exe"/>
<Shortcut Id="MainEntry" Target="[#Product.exe]"
WorkingDirectory="InstallDir" Name="Product" DisplayResourceId="102"

<Component ... Directory="InstallDir-en-US">
<File Source="en-US\Product.exe.mui"/>

<Component ... Directory="InstallDir-es-ES">
<File Source="es-ES\Product.exe.mui"/>

-----Original Message-----
From: Lian Jiang [] 
Sent: Monday, January 18, 2010 5:04 PM
Subject: [WiX-users] how to create a DisplayResourceDll for ShortCut element


Could anybody provide a sample/reference about how to author a resource DLL
used by ShortCut element? I don't quitely understand this descript from WIX

"The Formatted string providing the full path to the language neutral file
containing the MUI Manifest. Generally authored using [#filekey] form."

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