I am trying to use a merge module for msvcr71.dll since its strongly
recommended to use merge models for re-distributing c runtime libraries.
But i want to copy this msvcr71.dll to 2 different folders on installation.
But using the same merge module reference twice would cause the same file to
be included twice in the final msi, which causes conflict in the File table
, since file id is the primary key. (Since same file would be included twice
Here is a sample of the code:

Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">

<Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder">

<Directory Id="Merg" Name="Merg">

<Directory Id="INSTALLDIR" Name="Merge Mod32">

<Directory Id="Folder1" Name="Folder1"/>

<Directory Id="Folder2" Name="Folder2"/>





 <DirectoryRef Id="Folder1">

Merge Id="msvcr71dll" Language="1033" DiskId="1" SourceFile="My_MSM.msm">



DirectoryRef Id="Folder2">

Merge Id="msvcr71dllF2" Language="1033" DiskId="1" SourceFile="My_MSM.msm">



Feature Id="ProductFeature1" Title="MergeMod321" Level="1">

MergeRef Id="msvcr71dll"/>


Feature Id="ProductFeature2" Title="MergeMod322" Level="1">

MergeRef Id="msvcr71dllodbc"/>

Above code gives obvious error that File/Id is duplicated(which is the file
id in the msm.

Now i have to use the merge module and i cannot even modify the merge
module in anyway and need to copy the file in both the folders.

Is there a way to do so?

I saw the CopyFile element but that can be used only under a Component or
File Element.

Best Regards.

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