.... and something else to check is that InstallShield sometimes uses a thing 
called version lying. It's called "lying" because the File table in the MSI 
file gets a version of 65535.65535.... etc so it always replaces any existing 
file on the system. If you managed to transfer something like this into your 
WiX build you will replace that file. You'd need to look at the file table in 
your MSI file to see what version of mscomm32.ocx is in there. 

Phil Wilson 

-----Original Message-----
From: Blair [mailto:os...@live.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2010 3:34 PM
To: 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.'
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Windows System Folder

>From a debug-verbose installation log, what is the value of the

-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Hughes [mailto:daniel.hug...@tait.co.nz] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 12, 2010 2:53 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Windows System Folder

one of the files is MSCOMM32.OCX, this is for handling com ports. We 
have a customer who uses a different version of this that provides the 
ability to access more com ports. There version is new both in time 
stamp and in version. However our installer replaces it, pissing said 
customer off.

Why?    It is my understanding that Windows Installer only knows the two 
files are the same if the component GUID matches, ie having the same 
name is not enough. The customer in question did not install the file he 
copied it into the required location. Even if he did install it with as 
part of some other installer it would have been installed with a 
different GUID and so windows installer would not know it was the same 
thing and that it should apply its version rules.

Is my understanding wrong? and if so please explain why our installer is 
replacing our customers (newer) assembly.

Rob Mensching wrote:
> Can you provide more information about these files that are getting
> replaced? The Windows Installer its rules for File Version checks
> (documented in the MSI SDK) and they are consistent. You'd have to use a
> custom action to install files (a huge no-no) to install files
> The whole design sounds very suspicious right now but more details may
> better explain what is going on and provide suggestions.
> On Mon, Jan 11, 2010 at 5:06 PM, Daniel Hughes
>> We are moving one of products from a old Install shield installer to a
>> WiX installer.
>> The old Installer installs a bunch of assemblies to the System32 folder.
>> These assemblies are not produced by us but a required dependencies of
>> our software. Install Shield has a replace if older type option so it
>> checks the assemblies version and only installs if the existing assembly
>> is older then the one being installed.
>> When we moved to WiX there was no such option. Each assembly gets a
>> component GUID and install shield just goes along and replaces any
>> existing assemblies even if they are newer. This is causing problems as
>> some of our customers are running software which relies on functionary
>> only available in newer versions.
>> I have heard that a way to get the correct component GUID so windows
>> installer doesn't do bad things is to find official Merge Modules. These
>> have proved to be hard to find and if the assembles have been copied or
>> installed to Windows32 by some other method it will not work.
>> How do I make sure I don't replace new versions of assemblies which we
>> don't produce and don't control.
>> Cheers,
>> Daniel
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