pmdarrow wrote: > > Hi all. I'd like to display a dialog after the feature customization > dialog that gives the user feedback if the requirements for installing > their selected features are fulfilled. For instance, if the user only > selected the database feature, SQL Server is the only requirement. But if > they select the ASP.NET app, IIS is a requirement as well. Is there any > easy way to write the dialog for this? The only thing I can think of doing > is writing a dialog for each combination of selected features (e.g. > OnlyDBDlg.wxs for just the DB, DB+IISDlg.wxs for DB and IIS, etc.) and > having a bunch of conditions on the next button of the customize dialog > for showing each of them. Any ideas? > I am doing a something similar. I'm using the SelectionTree control to let users select which features to install but have some feature-specific system requirements. I really wish you could disable features but still show them in the SelectionTree control, that would be my ideal solution but it is not possible.
What I have settled on is using the new functionality to publish a DoAction event from the SelectionTree control. This is only available on Windows 2003 and newer, so Vista, Win7 and 2008 too. However, for the product I'm working on I only need to support newer OSes so I can use the new functionality. I wrote a custom action that updates a property that I use on a text control on the same dialog. Whenever a user selects a feature the text control gets updated with what the feature-specific requirements are for that feature. Then on the Next button I run a custom action that verifies everything and if they are trying to install a feature without all of its necessary prerequisites I throw up a dialog with an informative error and keep that on that dialog until their feature selections are valid to continue. The only catch I ran into was that using a DTF custom action on the SelectionTree control published DoAction was too slow. Because the DTF has to extract the native DLL, then extract the baked in .NET assembly and load it up just to call your code, it caused noticeable lag on the dialog whenever you selected a different feature or changed a feature's state. I ended up rewriting that custom action in C++ and it sped things up greatly. My Next button custom action is still in DTF as the slight delay does not stand out as much on the dialog transitions. Hope that helps, Mike -- View this message in context: Sent from the wix-users mailing list archive at ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ This SF.Net email is sponsored by the Verizon Developer Community Take advantage of Verizon's best-in-class app development support A streamlined, 14 day to market process makes app distribution fast and easy Join now and get one step closer to millions of Verizon customers _______________________________________________ WiX-users mailing list