I'm not too familiar with Administrative installs, but I would assume
you could condition something in the AdminExecuteSequence and
AdminUISequence to abort the install.

Aborting if a repair is triggered sounds like a very strange request,
what if your KeyPaths are damaged and you have advertised shortcuts?
Windows Installer can no longer repair them and your app would likely
fail to launch. The 'repair' functionality of Windows Installer is
part of why you would choose to use MSI in the first place. If you're
trying to bypass the resiliency features then maybe a non-MSI setup
would be a better choice.


On Fri, Jan 8, 2010 at 7:38 AM, Tony <yellowjacketl...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Is there some way we can "disable" (abort install action) if someone
> were to launch our msi with the /a (administrative install) or /f
> (repair) options?  We can hide the actions in the UI, but when
> launched via command-line they can still occur, we'd like to disable
> them for now.
> --
> Tony
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