        I have built and msi for installing a bunch of custom windows
services using visual studio setup. During install use the visual studio
custom actions radio button to allow the user to choose 'Dev/Prod/Trn/QA'. I
use this context parameter in my service installers to modify the service
name and install dir. This works correctly. However while uninstalling since
it does not have the custom action the service name is the unmodified one
and uninstall fails

How can I modify the wix wxs file to
1) give the user a choice to uninstall 'Dev/Prod/Trn/QA'
2) allow the user to install all the 4 instances in the same machine -
multiple instances.

If someone has already done it could you please send me your wxs file. Has
anyone accomplished this with a bootstrapper if yes is it the

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