You shouldn't be doing this from an MSI, but from a bootstrapper. MSIs are not 
design to run other installers. Try 

Hope this helps,

-----Original Message-----
From: Arun Perregatturv [] 
Sent: Monday, December 28, 2009 10:15 AM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: [WiX-users] Install external program from CDROM drive

I searched all over the Wix but couldn't find anywhere how to install 
application from cdrom drive.

I have wix install which should install SQL Server 2008 based on user 
selection. Say, if user selects client install I don't have to install SQL 
Server but if he selects Server install then I have to install it and SQL 
Server folder is on the CD.

CD ROM Directory structure looks like this
CD\Setup.exe - Wix Installer with BootStrapper to Install .NET Framework.

CD\SQLSERVER2008 - this folder includes x86 and x64 installer for SQL Server 
2008 Express Edition.

I need one to install SQL Server from the CD Folder.

Something like
<var.Platform = x64>
<CustomAction Id="InstallSQLx64"
                ExeCommand ="/q /hideconsole /action=Install /features=SQL 
/enableranu=1 /sqlsvcaccount= "NT Authority\System" 

<var.Platform = x86>
<CustomAction Id="InstallSQLx86"
                ExeCommand ="/q /hideconsole /action=Install /features=SQL 
/enableranu=1 /sqlsvcaccount= "NT Authority\System" 

Is this possible?

Arun Perregattur

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