I am not sure what you are saying - is Wix or MSI actually treating BHO
installers as a special case and kill all related IE instances?  Do I need
to do something special to identify my code as a BHO in order for this to
happen, because right now it isn't happening...


-----Original Message-----
From: Blair [mailto:os...@live.com] 
Sent: November-12-09 9:38 AM
To: 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.'
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Issue with FilesInUse and IE8 when updating an

With BHOs we actively looked for running IE instances and either added them
all to the RM session (in the case of Vista+) or offered to the user to kill
them (in the case of XP/2k3).

-----Original Message-----
From: Andreas Mertens [mailto:andre...@nvisionideas.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 5:51 AM
To: 'General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.'
Subject: [WiX-users] Issue with FilesInUse and IE8 when updating an add-on

I am having an issue with updating a project, and I am not sure if there is
anything I can do in Wix to fix this.

I have created a Browser Helper Object (BHO), a type of COM object that acts
as an add-on to Internet Explorer V6 or later.  I have used Wix to create
its installer and that all works fine.

The issue comes in trying to update it while running on IE8. I create a
patch that the current BHO can download and immediately try to install.  I
have managed to launch the installer in its own process so that isn't an
issue.  It has to do with the FilesInUse/MsiRMFilesInUse dialogs, and how
they react to IE8.

Part of this issue has to do with IE8 itself.  IE8 now runs a single window
in multiple processes: one for the topmost window, and a separate process
for the tab and its content.  The BHO is running in this second (tab)

With XP, no dialog is shown, so the user is always forced to reboot.  From
the documentation on this, it is probably because the tab process that it
sees the BHO running in doesn't have the topmost window.  As a result there
are no items to show in the FilesInUse dialog, so it omits it and just
proceeds with the install, and hence the need to reboot.

In Vista, it uses the Restart Manager, and I do get the MsiRMFilesInUse
dialog, no problems there.  And it does attempt to close the window.  The
problem is that it is closing the tab process.  The main process of the
topmost window sees the tab process closing, thinks that there was an error
and restarts the tab process again (IE8's Tab Recovery feature).  So the old
BHO gets reloaded again, so again we need to reboot after the install.

Has anyone else run into this?  And is there a solution?  I am going to post
this to the IE8 folks as well, but I imagine that will take a bit longer to
get resolved there...


Andreas Mertens

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