My company was using InstallShield before switching to WiX.  I have
never used InstallAware, but the only advice I can give is to use WiX.
It's free and can do anything that the commercial products do, sometimes

-Brian Simoneau

-----Original Message-----
From: Matt Walker [] 
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 9:10 AM
Subject: [WiX-users] InstallShield 2010 vs InstallAware 9

Hi All,


I'm new to the group and was pointed here by an individual from whom
I've received valuable assistance on many .NET, install related topics
over the past several years.  I know this is a Wix users group, but I'm
hoping someone can give me some insight, guidance, etc.


We as a company are looking to switch our install build product.  The
company whose product we use has undergone several company
takeovers/changes recently and it doesn't look like the development
effort is there for this particular product.


We've been focusing on InstallShield 2010 and InstallAware 9.  I've used
InstallShield products in the past and never really had any major
problems to speak of.  IS seemed fairly easy to use and suited all of
our needs.  This seems to be the case with InstallShield 2010.


InstallAware is a tool of a different kind as it appears to be primarily
script based but does have a Visual interface as well.  It might be
because I could be subconsciously hooked on InstallShield, but
InstallAware seems cumbersome to me.  I guess that may also be that I'm
just not used to their way of doing things.  Conversion for us would
take a larger amount of time with this product, but if it works and is
stable, that really won't matter much to me.


What I've heard and from what I already knew, they are both major
players with InstallShield having a longer lifespan so far.  I've been
told that InstallAware claims to be on the cutting edge, but their
installs at times display weird behavior.


I'm trying to find an individual(s) that has used both or similar
products for a compare and contrast of sorts.  What are the pros and
cons?  Early on, 


Of course price will be a factor for us, but I just want to be sure
after making a selection I don't miss major advantages of the product
that is left behind by our decision.


Please help if you can.

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