It gets worse.

Even if app is not a WPF app (or a .NET app), it is really not correct, 
regarding the expected UI, to run deferred action launching an exe as the part 
of InstallExecuteSequence, like:

        <Custom Action="CA_MYAction" After="MsiPublishAssemblies">
           <![CDATA[UILevel>4 AND (InstallMode<>"Remove") AND 
(InstallMode<>"Repair") AND (InstallMode<>"Change")]]>

What happens is that executable is run but Exit Dialog sits there, waiting for 
user to press Finish button.

Expected UI is that user presses Finish button and then installed executable is 

Running exes like NOTEPAD that were found during file search like:

    <Property Id="NOTEPADEXE">
      <DirectorySearch Id="NotePadContainer" Path="[WindowsFolder]" Depth="1">
        <FileSearch Id="NotepadFileWin" Name="notepad.exe" />

works just fine when used in a custom action called when user clicks Finish 

The problem is doing the same with (.NET) app that was just installed.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Arnson [] 
Sent: Tuesday, November 10, 2009 8:26 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] So how does one run installed executable after the 
install finishes?

Tony Juricic wrote:
> While there are quite a few samples of appropriate Custom Action  (including 
> some posted here) none of them work for me. I either get an error code 1631 
> or no error code (see log example below where it appears that app was 
> launched ok) but I see no application UI (it is a WPF app).
> Is there some definitive reference for this?
> I would prefer immediate action but it appears it must be deferred. 

I'd consider it unlikely that you can run a WPF app from a deferred 
custom action service.

>     <CustomAction Id=" CA_MYAction" Impersonate="no" HideTarget="no" 
> FileKey="ACTION.EXE" ExeCommand="/install" Execute="deferred" 
> Return="asyncNoWait" />

<insert all the normal warnings about self-reg>


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