For the test scenario, go to Add/Remove Programs and select "Repair", and
make sure that the registry value doesn't change (test from each of the two
initial states).

Not sure why it doesn't delete, but you could try adding a RemoveRegistryKey
element to the same component.

-----Original Message-----
From: little.forest [] 
Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2009 5:35 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Wix 3.0: link error when using '*' in the
component's GUID field

Thanks Blair.

I tried it by using your code example. It works!

But I found a problem, after uninstallation, this registry entry is still in
the registry. Even if I use "createAndRemoveOnUninstall", it's still there.
I checked the uninstall log, it doesn't say if the delete key operation is
okay or not:
MSI (s) (D0:C0) [17:25:45:891]: Executing op: RegRemoveValue(Name=MyApp
MSI (s) (D0:C0) [17:25:45:891]: Note: 1: 1402 2:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run 3: 2 
MSI (s) (D0:C0) [17:25:45:891]: Executing op: RegRemoveKey()

What can I do to make sure this registry entry is deleted upon uninstalling?

Also, you mentioned "You may need to preserve RUNWHENWINDOWSSTART and
restore it during repairs
and/or small updates/minor upgrades so that the value doesn't change during
a repair." - we use major upgrade, does it matter for us? If so, what is the
use case or test scenario to verify our install is fine with this restraint?


From: Blair <>
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 5:54:06 PM
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Wix 3.0: link error when using '*' in the
component's GUID field

Identity theft is always such a pain.

compone...@guid='*' is required to generate a "stable" guid. That means that
if the component's keypath didn't change, it is the same component. As a
result, both of your components, which share the exact same keypath, are the
same component as far as Windows Installer is concerned (they share the same
identity). The value isn't part of the keypath, unfortunately.

What you may consider doing instead is (since your components are currently
not transitive and are mutually exclusive) is something like this:

<SetProperty Id='RunValueArgument' Value=' -bootload' Sequence='execute'
Before='WriteRegistryValues'><![CDATA[RUNWHENWINDOWSSTART <>
<Component Id="RunRegistry" Guid="*">

You may need to preserve RUNWHENWINDOWSSTART and restore it during repairs
and/or small updates/minor upgrades so that the value doesn't change during
a repair.

-----Original Message-----
From: little.forest [] 
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2009 2:27 PM
Subject: [WiX-users] Wix 3.0: link error when using '*' in the component's
GUID field

We use Wix 3.0.4805.0.

We run into a very strange link error: we have a component that uses "*" as
the GUID. But when we link it, it reports an error:
error LGHT0204 : ICE08: Component: RegistrySpecial has a duplicate GUID:

But I searched all of our source code, there is no GUID
"{A7C1768B-FF73-5DFC-8E76-E810E013F78A}" defined anywhere.

Here is the command line to compile and link it:
candle.exe -dRelease -out <.wixobj file> -arch x86 -ext <ext dll files>
light.exe -ext <EXT_DLL_FILE> -cultures:en-us -out myapp.msi -pdbout
<PDB_FILE> -loc <LANG_FILE> <some .wixobj files>

Basically, this is what we'd like to do:
there is an option called "Start application when Windows starts". If the
end user select this option, we'll write the application's file path to a
registry entry; if the end user doesn't select this option, we'll also write
the entry with a parameter. The logic is just like this:
  write registry with "[PATH_TO_APP]"
} else {
  write registry with "[PATH_TO_APP] -bootload"

Here is the code:
<Component Id="RegistryNormal" Guid="*">
<Condition>RUNWHENWINDOWSSTART = 1</Condition>

<Component Id="RegistrySpecial" Guid="*">
<Condition><![CDATA[RUNWHENWINDOWSSTART <> 1]]></Condition>
Value='"[INSTALLLOCATION]$(var.FileOutput)" -bootload' 

I thought "*" will generate GUID for each component. But how come it reports
that error? And it's always that ID. What is special about that ID? The
interesting thing is, if I delete one of the two components from the code,
the compile/link is fine. So it seems the root of the problem is that I'm
having these two components at the same time. Why I can't have these two
components at the same time? This is really a if-then-else scenario. Maybe I
shouldn't have two components to implement the logic? Is there any other way
to implement this?


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