Hello Blair!

Thank you for your answer.
But I wanted to ask something else.
I will try to explain a little better:

I have a solution named "MySolution" with two
solution folders - "MyProject" and "MySetup".
Solution folder "MyProject" has one library project named "MyProject".
Solution folder "MySetup"has one WiX project named "Setup".
When I add a reference to "MyProject", a reference is
added as "MyProject (MyProject\MyProject)" - see attached pic. 

If I try to compile
<File Id="ServerDllFile" 
Source="$(var.MyProject(MyProject\MyProject).TargetPath)" DiskId="1" 
KeyPath="yes" />
I get an error : 
"Error    1    Undefined preprocessor variable '$(var.MyProject.TargetPath)'.   
 D:\Zacasni\Test VS Project2\MySolution\Setup\Product.wxs    13    1    Setup"

But if I rename a Solution folder "MyProject" to "MyProjectRenamed",
and add a reference to "MyProject", a reference is
added properly as "MyProject " - see attached pic. "DifferentName.bmp"
and everything compiles OK.

I can compile 
<File Id="ServerDllFile" Name="$(var.MyProject.TargetFileName)" 
Source="$(var.MyProject.TargetPath)" DiskId="1" KeyPath="yes" />
with no errors.

Thank you for your time and patience,

From: Blair <os...@live.com>
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset. 
Sent: Thu, November 5, 2009 5:20:21 PM
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Environment variable that has project name with 
parentheses - $(var.MyProject (MyProject\MyProject).TargetFileName)

For WiX, the solution isn't considered a project. So, your
MyProject\MyProject is known to the WiX preprocessor as simply MyProject.
Thus, no matter the name of the solution, your references will remain like

Accessing the solution itself is via the following preprocessor macros:

-----Original Message-----
From: Sandi Remar [mailto:sandi_re...@yahoo.com] 
Sent: Thursday, November 05, 2009 4:57 AM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] Environment variable that has project name with
parentheses - $(var.MyProject (MyProject\MyProject).TargetFileName)

Hello everybody!

I am new to WiX, so I hope that my question is not too dumb :-)

I use Visual Studio 2008 with Votive and WiX 3.0.
I have a problem using environment variables that have project names with
I stumbled upon this problem when I was adding a file to WiX source.

I have a solution with a Solution folder "MyProject" that contains a project
named "MyProject".

Since a Solution folder name is the same as the name of a project in it,
Visual studio obviously wants to destinguish these two names by changing a
project name.

I see this when I want to add reference to that project in Votive.
When I click References->Add Reference->Project, I see a reference to 
"MyProject" listed as "MyProject (MyProject\MyProject)"

Here is the problem - Visual studio sees "MyProject" as "MyProject
but WiX reports an error when I compile this code:

<File Id="ServerDllFile" Name="$(var.MyProject
(MyProject\MyProject).TargetFileName)" Source="$(var.MyProject
(MyProject\MyProject).TargetPath)" DiskId="1" KeyPath="yes" />

I guess that parentheses in project name disturbs preprocessor.

When I change Solution folder name to some other name, "MyProject" is listed
as "MyProject"
and not "MyProject (MyProject\MyProject)"
and everything is OK, WiX compiles with no errors, when I compile this code:

<File Id="ServerDllFile" Name="$(var.MyProject.TargetFileName)"
Source="$(var.MyProject.TargetPath)" DiskId="1" KeyPath="yes" />

I tried to put project name in double quotes , like
$(var."MyProject (MyProject\MyProject)".TargetFileName), but this does not

Does anybody have any suggestions?


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