1) I should have mentioned this before, but I hope that isn't the real password 
you've shown in the commented authoring. You may want to consider setting the 
password to a property value like "MYCERTPASSWORD", which can be set on the 
commandline at install-time. That way the cert password isn't hardcoded in the 
.msi (but it will require that property to be set on the commandline in order 
for the MSI to install).
2) Go ahead and file a bug on SF to investigate. One thing to clarify in the 
bug - when you say the install "fails every time after", are you referring to a 
repair scenario, or "uninstall" then "install"? Also, if you have a repro 
sample (with logs) using a dummy cert, that will help the investigation.

Mike Carlson

-----Original Message-----
From: phillip_sid...@dellteam.com [mailto:phillip_sid...@dellteam.com] 
Sent: Monday, October 05, 2009 8:06 AM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] WiX and certificates


-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Carlson (DEV DIV) [mailto:mica...@microsoft.com] 
Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 6:24 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] WiX and certificates

What version of WiX are you using?

-----Original Message-----
From: phillip_sid...@dellteam.com [mailto:phillip_sid...@dellteam.com] 
Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 3:50 PM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] WiX and certificates

Duh, Permanent did work - thanks for that.

Here is the error I get for when attempting to install the .pfx:

MSI (s) (8C:08) [17:46:35:065]: Created Custom Action Server with PID
4612 (0x1204).
MSI (s) (8C:94) [17:46:35:147]: Running as a service.
MSI (s) (8C:94) [17:46:35:150]: Hello, I'm your 32bit Elevated custom
action server.
AddMachineCertificate:  Error 0x80092004: Could not locate key pair from
PFX file.
AddMachineCertificate:  Error 0x80092004: Failed to install certificate.
AddMachineCertificate:  Error 0x80092004: Failed to install per-machine

- Phil

-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Carlson (DEV DIV) [mailto:mica...@microsoft.com] 
Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 4:42 PM
To: General discussion for Windows Installer XML toolset.
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] WiX and certificates

1) What version of WiX are you using?
2) What error message do you see in a verbose logfile in the event of
3) Have you tried making the associated Component Permanent?

Mike Carlson

-----Original Message-----
From: phillip_sid...@dellteam.com [mailto:phillip_sid...@dellteam.com] 
Sent: Thursday, October 01, 2009 2:23 PM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: [WiX-users] WiX and certificates

I am installing certificates with the following WiX snippet:


          <Component Id="MssCerts.SIT"
Guid="EC7A0AF8-A180-4e85-92AA-D138D935EC9B" KeyPath="yes">

            <Condition><![CDATA[(TARGETENV = "DIT" OR TARGETENV = "SIT"
OR TARGETENV="UAT")]]></Condition>


            <iis:Certificate Id="Mss.SIT.MssCert.Personal"
Name="MSS_SIT_Private.pfx" Request="no" BinaryKey="MSS_SIT_Private.pfx"
PFXPassword="devmss2009" StoreLocation="localMachine"
StoreName="personal"  Overwrite="yes" />

            <iis:Certificate Id="Mss.SIT.MssCert.TrustedPeople"
Name="MSS_SIT_Private.pfx" Request="no" BinaryKey="MSS_SIT_Private.pfx"
PFXPassword="devmss2009" StoreLocation="localMachine"
StoreName="trustedPeople" Overwrite="yes" />


            <iis:Certificate Id="Mss.SIT.D1Cert.Personal"
Name="D1_SIT_Public.cer" Request="no" BinaryKey="D1_SIT_Public.cer"
StoreLocation="localMachine" StoreName="personal" Overwrite="yes" />

            <iis:Certificate Id="Mss.SIT.D1Cert.TrustedPeople"
Name="D1_SIT_Public.cer" Request="no" BinaryKey="D1_SIT_Public.cer"
StoreLocation="localMachine" StoreName="trustedPeople" Overwrite="yes"

            <iis:Certificate Id="Mss.SIT.GencoCert.Personal"
Name="Genco_SIT_Public.cer" Request="no"
BinaryKey="Genco_SIT_Public.cer" StoreLocation="localMachine"
StoreName="personal" Overwrite="yes" />

            <iis:Certificate Id="Mss.SIT.GencoCert.TrustedPeople"
Name="Genco_SIT_Public.cer" Request="no"
BinaryKey="Genco_SIT_Public.cer" StoreLocation="localMachine"
StoreName="trustedPeople" Overwrite="yes" />

            <iis:Certificate Id="Mss.SIT.UnisysCert.Personal"
Name="Unisys_SIT_Public.cer" Request="no"
BinaryKey="Unisys_SIT_Public.cer" StoreLocation="localMachine"
StoreName="personal" Overwrite="yes" />

            <iis:Certificate Id="Mss.SIT.UnisysCert.TrustedPeople"
Name="Unisys_SIT_Public.cer" Request="no"
BinaryKey="Unisys_SIT_Public.cer" StoreLocation="localMachine"
StoreName="trustedPeople" Overwrite="yes" />



So I am having 2 problems:


1)      When I uncomment the .pfx certificate it succeeds the first time
I install it to a particular server, but fails every time after.

2)      I would prefer the certs to not be removed on uninstall, I don't
see any way to do this with the WiX IIS cert extension. 


Any help would be appreciated.




-          Phil

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