I'm trying to create a shortcut to a folder that I create in Program Files.
This is as an all-admin installer (I have to, because I install plug-ins to
a third party program that installs in Program Files).

Everything works fine (including getting the folder created and putting in
the files), but the shortcut doesn't show up. I've looked at the created
installer in Orca, and the Shortcut *or the component* do not show up in the
built installer!

Here's the declaration:

    <Directory Id="TARGETDIR" Name="SourceDir">

      <Directory Id="ProgramFilesFolder" Name=".">
        <Directory Id="KWPLAINROOT" Name="kW X-port 32-bit">
          <Component Id="SeparateFolderCreate"
Guid="{DCC7AE17-698B-4C47-B5FA-491F1291C39C}" KeyPath="yes">
              <Shortcut Id="SeparatePlugins.Shortcut"
                  Name="Separate Plug-ins" Advertise="yes" />
          <Directory Id="INSTALL_9_32_PLAIN" Name="3ds Max 9">
            <Component Id="PluginDle_9_32_PLAIN"
              <File Id="kwxport_9_32_PLAIN" Name="kwxport.dle"
                  Vital="yes" DiskId="1" />

Here's the reference:

    <Feature Id='Separate' Title='kW X-port Separate Installation'
Description='Install the plug-ins separate from 3ds Max folders.'
        Display='collapse' Level='2' AllowAdvertise='no'>
      <ComponentRef Id='SeparateFolderCreate'/>
      <ComponentRef Id="PluginDle_9_32_PLAIN"/>
      <ComponentRef Id="PluginDle_2008_32_PLAIN"/>
      <ComponentRef Id="PluginDle_2009_32_PLAIN"/>
      <ComponentRef Id="PluginDle_2010_32_PLAIN"/>

Also, the ApplicationProgramsFolder is defined elsewhere, and contains files
with shortcuts. Those shortcuts install just fine:

      <Directory Id="CommonAppDataFolder">
        <Directory Id="DocsFolder" Name="kW X-port Documentation">
          <Component Id="DocsFolderCreate"
Guid="355E1086-FD19-40EA-A585-36E189DAE4DE" KeyPath="yes">
            <CreateFolder Directory="DocsFolder"/>
          <Component Id="Changelist"
            <File Id="CHANGELIST.html" Name="CHANGELIST.html"
Source="..\doc\CHANGELIST.html" DiskId="1" KeyPath="yes">
              <Shortcut Id="CHANGELIST.html.Shortcut"
                  Name="Change List" WorkingDirectory="DocsFolder"

(I believe that in this case, the DocsFolderCreate element is actually
superfluous, as it will get created anyway by the installed files)

The PluginDle_9_32_PLAIN and following components show up in the installer
tables just fine. The SeparateFolderCreate component does not get included.
What am I doing wrong?

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