Even with WIXUI_INSTALLDIR you can set the default to a per-user location,
and launching the app after installation generally also does not generally
require admin privs so that also does not prevent perUser. In that pure
perUser package, they would get an error if they tried to navigate to and
install under ProgramFiles.

It is true that using the VC .msm modules does require perMachine. However,
you can use the "Deploying Visual C++ library DLLs as private assemblies"
method instead of using the MSM modules to use the CRT for perUser
applications, but you lose the ability to have Microsoft service your CRT
DLLs using publisher's redirection that way (you will have to update your
packages and ship the updates yourself to your users whenever MSFT updates
them just like any other security fix).

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms235291.aspx : last section
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms235316.aspx : scenario #3

The mail you linked to shows just some of the grief caused by mixing perUser
with perMachine, not by pure perUser. You can set a launch condition to
prevent a user from setting ALLUSERS and running your installation package
(assuming they don't modify the MSI), which would help mitigate the grief by
preventing it in the first place.

The intigorose.com page's list of grief is also caused by mixing perUser and
perMachine (which is usually caused by setting ALLUSERS=2, which some
tutorials/examples/other environments did/do by default) which is NOT  a
recommended practice (in fact, I remember reading someone's blog about
ALLUSERS=2 being broken under UAC and recommending all computer shops ban
that value, but I didn't notice it doing a quick search).

You need to know the technologies and platforms you support, and how to
limit your packages to the kinds of deployments you intend to support on
those platforms. That includes adding launch conditions to prevent other's
attempts to install things in a different way than you intend them to be

Know also that each team at MSFT has their own goals and don't always
coordinate with each other on making sure that the results are truly best
practice or even possible on all the various platforms they collectively
produce. Deployment is a technology platform area as large as .NET or Java
or LAMP or any other, yet it often doesn't get the respect that is required
to have it addressed in projects as it should to prevent these kinds of
issues. Just as that happens at most other companies on the planet, it also
happens at MSFT (they are humans more-or-less like the rest of us after
all<grin/>). Also, often things are "supported" that are no longer really
supported or recommended because they go against newer knowledge about how
to maintain platform security, and so some advice given 10 years ago is now
considered exactly counter to how it should be done today.

-----Original Message-----
From: warne warne [mailto:warne...@hotmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, September 11, 2009 6:11 PM
To: wix-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [WiX-users] Vista Standard User and perMachine install

Thanks thats certainly clarified it. My install is a 'WIXUI_INSTALLDIR' type
so from what I read here:


that rules out perUser install. I also use a custom action to launch my app
after install and Visual C merge .msm modules which, as Blair mentioned, may
also rule out the perUser install. 

Would I be wrong then in thinking perUser installs are to be avoided
generally speaking?

Just perUser seems to cause grief. For example:


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